Friday, November 21, 2008

Mr. Blount is a National Board Certified Teacher!

Last school year I applied for certification in Early Adolescence/English Language Arts with the National Board for Professional Teaching Standards. It was an intensive process requiring that I build four portfolios to document my ability to analyze student growth in reading and writing, facilitate small and whole group discussions, and document my educational and instructional accomplishments. Upon completion of the portfolios, I took a timed computerized essay test addressing the areas of literary analysis, universal themes, teaching reading, language study, analysis of writing, and teaching writing. The results were announced online today, and the above screen shot shows what I saw when I logged into my account. The congratulatory letter below provides additional details about this accomplishment.

I wish to thank all of my 2007-2008 Tomlin Middle School students and colleagues for supporting me in this endeavor and my parents Roland & Evelyn Blount for hosting my writing marathons on their living room floor. My eternal love and gratitude, however, goes to my two NBCTS mentors, Vickie Gunn and Tracy Stanley, without whose support and assistance I would not have been able to earn this honorable designation. Thanks, girls! You KNOW you pulled me through!


Fidelis said...


your former student,

Topaz Fidelis

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Blount it is Emily R. from your 4th and 5th period class i just wanted to congraglations i am very very happy for you see you on Monday.

Emily Rosenbaum

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Blount,
So I see that your a certified teacher, finally! Congrats!!
FRom your two annoying students from last year,
Sydney and Georgette

Fidelis said...

no im the most annoying! YEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEES!

Your former student,

Loner-fooli mean Topaz-Fidelis

Anonymous said...

I am so very proud to see your hard work praised. Take a few minutes and relish in the moment!
It took them long enough to figure out what we knew long ago...Howard Blount is an AMAZING TEACHER!

All rewards on this Earth do not come with a dollar sign. We both know that our "pay" comes from seeing our students become successful adults.


Love ya!
Susan WIlliamson

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. From our two summers abroad, I knew you were special and now everyone knows.

Your students are definitely the beneficiaries of your bountiful knowledge and expertise. I envy them.

Love you,
Pam Blevins

Anonymous said...

Hi Mr.Blount, it is Sarah.I just wanted to say congrats!

Anonymous said...

Hey Mr. Blount! I miss your class and Mrs. Gunns class so much! Congrats on everything you have done and still yet have planned to do! I'll come visit someday
"hobbit girl" from your 4th and 5th class in 2003-2004